Phytodol Flogo Urto
Contrasta gli stati di tensione localizzati
Counteracts localized states of tension
Package contents: 30 compresse/tablets
Active ingredients
Bromelina, Boswellia e Move!plx®
Bromelain, Boswellia and Move!plx®
Phytodol Flogo Urto is a food supplement in tablets based on Bromelain Boswellia and Move!plx® useful for counteracting localized states of tension, promoting joint function and in case of need. Move!plx® is a particular verbena extract with a high concentration of verbascoside, a polyphenol with high antioxidant properties. Move!plx® has also been evaluated in several studies as a support for joint health and for its anti-inflammatory effect in post-exercise recovery.
Phytodol Flogo Urto is recommended in case of minor trauma, bruises, sprains and muscle strains accompanied by edema, hematomas, inflammation, pain and to facilitate recovery following sports activity.