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Phytodol Flogo Urto
Contrasta gli stati di tensione localizzati
Counteracts localized states of tension
Package contents: 30 compresse/tablets
Active ingredients

Bromelina, Boswellia e Move!plx®

Bromelain, Boswellia and Move!plx®


Phytodol Flogo Urto is a food supplement in tablets based on Bromelain Boswellia and Move!plx® useful for counteracting localized states of tension, promoting joint function and in case of need. Move!plx® is a particular verbena extract with a high concentration of verbascoside, a polyphenol with high antioxidant properties. Move!plx® has also been evaluated in several studies as a support for joint health and for its anti-inflammatory effect in post-exercise recovery.
Phytodol Flogo Urto is recommended in case of minor trauma, bruises, sprains and muscle strains accompanied by edema, hematomas, inflammation, pain and to facilitate recovery following sports activity.


Nutritional table