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Magnesium Donna
Riduce stanchezza e affaticamento, contrasta i disturbi del ciclo mestruale.
Reduction of tiredness and fatigue, counteract of menstrual cycle disorders.
Package contents: 45 compresse/tablets
Active ingredients

Magnesio marino (ossido), magnesio gluconato, vitamina B6 e agnocasto

Marine magnesium (oxide), magnesium gluconate, vitamin B6 and chaste tree


Magnesium donna compresse è un integratore alimentare a base di 2 diverse fonti di magnesio, Vitamina B6 e agnocasto utile a ridurre stanchezza e affaticamento, promuovere il normale funzionamento del sistema nervoso e a contrastare i disturbi del ciclo mestruale.

Magnesium donna tablets is a food supplement based on 2 different sources of magnesium, Vitamin B6 and chaste tree useful to reduce tiredness and fatigue, to promote normal functioning of the nervous system and to counteract menstrual cycle disorders.


Nutritional table