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Aloe 100% Mirtillo & Vite
Depurazione, funzionalità del microcircolo e benessere della vista.
Purification, functionality of the microcirculation and well-being of sight.
Package contents: 1 L
Active ingredients

Aloe vera, mirtillo e vite

Aloe vera, blueberry and vine


Aloe 100% mirtillo & vite è un integratore alimentare a base di aloe vera ed estratti vegetali utile a depurare l’organismo e a promuovere il benessere di vista e microcircolo.

Aloe 100% blueberry & vine is a food supplement based on aloe vera and plant extracts useful to assist the digestive and hepatic function, as well as favoring the regularity of intestinal transit, the functionality of the microcir- culation and the well-being of sight.


Nutritional table