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Influnex Immuno Plus Compresse
Per stimolare e sostenere le naturali difese dell'organismo.
To stimulate and support the body's natural defenses.
Package contents: 60 compresse/tablets
Active ingredients

Astragalo, Eleuterococco, Uncaria, Rosa Canina, Alga Spirulina, Curcuma, Betacarotene, Zinco, Rame e Selenio

Astragalus, Eleutherococcus, Uncaria, Rosehip, Spirulina Algae, Turmeric, Beta-carotene, Zinc, Copper and Selenium


Influnex Immuno Plus Compresse è un integratore alimentare a base di vitamine, minerali ed estratti vegetali utile a favorire la normale funzione del sistema immunitario. Sostiene le normali difese dell’organismo e svolge un’azione di sostegno e ricostituente.

Influnex Immuno Plus Tablets is a food supplement based on vitamins, minerals and plant extracts useful to promote the normal function of the immune system. It supports the normal defenses of the body and performs a supporting and restorative action.


Nutritional table