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Magnesium No Stress
Rilassa e riduce stanchezza e affaticamento.
Relax and reduction of tiredness and fatigue.
Package contents: 45 compresse/tablets
Active ingredients

Magnesio marino (ossido), magnesio gluconato, vitamina B1, rhodiola e scutellaria

Marine magnesium (oxide), magnesium gluconate, vitamin B1, rhodiola and scutellaria


Magnesium no stress compresse è un integratore alimentare a base di 2 diverse fonti di magnesio, Vitamina B1 ed estratti vegetali utile a ridurre stanchezza e affaticamento, promuovere il normale funzionamento del sistema nervoso e psicologico e a favorire il normale tono dell’umore.

Magnesium no stress tablets is a food supplement based on 2 different sources of magnesium, Vitamin B1 and plant extracts useful to reduce tiredness and fatigue, to promote normal functioning of the nervous and psychological system and normal mood.


Nutritional table